braehead the building
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The Braehead building through the ages...
The school in its very early days
This is the earliest image's (above and below) of the building that was
to become what we know as Braehead. At this time it was known as the
Higher Grade Public School. Originally known as the Madrass School,
it was the first school in Scotland to become a Higher Grade Public School

similar to above but taken from top West Hight Street

Staff of Buckhaven Higher Grade School
The Staff of Buckhaven Higher Grade School.
In the centre is Mr Ross, Headteacher.

buckhaven high 1954 mag 00
Buckhaven High School Magazine from 1954
(Press on the Front Cover above to see some
adverts from 1954... more to come soon )

Braehead taken from top of West High Street
The photograph above and below show the building after it has been extended.
You can see the extension added to the right on the edge of the photograph above.
The additions to the building are clearly seen on the image below.

Higher Grade School with new buildring clearly visible

Braehead as we remember it
The school building looks more like how I remember it, the new stonework has now weathered to match the original brickwork.

Buckhaven Mining School
This is the earliest photograph of the Buckhaven Mining School Building
which was to be found at the rear of Braehead.

If you can date any of the buildings above or have any photographs that show other detail, especially of the Mining School then please get in touch.

Thanks to Frank Rankin for use of old photographs from his extensive collection

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