braehead school photos
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I am looking for any photo's from the Braehead days, or any other material, letters, photo's, newspaper articles, class photo's, school records, anything at all
from that time period would be appreciated.

If you do have anything in your attic or in a box somewhere please look it out
and get in touch by e-mail.

Shirley Scott (Martin)
1. Braehead School
2. Miss Braehead being crowned 
3. Ian Scott and Shirley 
4. Sports day photograph 
5. Scottish Country Dance Competition
6. Canoeing photo 
7. Football photo 
8. Group of pupils on trip 

Sandra Walker
1. Various photographs taken in Aviemore.
2. Braehead Girls Netball Team
3. Sandra Scottish Country Dancing
4. Two photo's of Sandra on snow
5. Letter from RF Mackenzie


Ken Macleod
1. Class 3e Photograph with Ken Macleod
2. School Hall transformed into a Cathedral/Church Set
3. Dave Scott and Ken Macleod work on Stained Glass window affect
4. Two photographs of school hall laid out for open day

Andrew Hamilton
1. Boxing in the school gym - 2 photo's
2. Gliding at Portmoak - 3 photo's

Murray Wilson
1. Fishing trip to Rannoch in the 60's
2. Murray and Ken Brown at Rannoch

Henry Selfridge
1. 2 photo's from Methilhill Primary School 1955/56
2. 2 photo's from sports day at Denbeath - Henry seen racing to the tape.

Mr David Scott
A number of photographs taken at Portmoak, the Scottish Gliding Unions Centre during various school visits.

Ann and Rab Crocket
A couple of photographs donated by Ann and Rab of the Buck and Hind pub.

Isabel Hamilton
Photograph taken in the science lab.

Jim Hamilton
A number of photographs taken at Braehead School. They are taken from the original negatives and show giant skier in the school hall, pupils and staff in various classrooms.

Alan and Christine Seddon
A photograph and article taken at the Braehead School Reunion in 1986.

Various activities at Braehead School:
These images were originally printed in Peter Murphy's book on the
life of R.F. Mackenzie. The images show various activities that pupils took part in.

Can you name anyone in these photographs?
Can you date any of the photographs or where they were taken?
Then please do not hesitate, send me an e-mail and the information will, as if by magic, appear beside the appropriate photograph(s).

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